IOR Service In Turkey: Understanding the Import regulations in Turkey

IOR Service In Turkey

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With a rapidly growing economy, Turkey has been advancing fast in technological advancement. The government has been investing more and making policies to create more opportunities for international organizations to establish their infrastructure in the country. That is why there is an increase demand for reliable importers of record service in Turkey. Turkey`s economy is a diverse combination of services sector consisting of real estate, education, health care, and technology.

IT and Telecom Imports in Turkey

Telecom and IT sector in Turkey has been growing rapidly, according to an estimate in the past 10 years IT and Telecom infrastructure development has plummeted to 60%. Making it the fastest-growing country in the IT and Telecom sector in the region. Unlike other developing countries Turkey has a stringent import regulation system in place.

The import process is relatively fast, and regulations are easy to understand. Information and Communication Technologies Authority (ICTA) (Turkish: Bilgi Teknolojileri ve İletişim Kurumu (BTK)) is the inspection and regulatory authority and it oversees all the IT and Tech related imports in the country. All importers of record service providers in Turkey adhere to the import rules and regulations put forward by ICTA.

TRA Permit

TRA or Telecommunication Regulatory Authority issues a TRA permit for all the telecommunication equipment being imported into the country. All equipment with radio transmission functionality is regulated by RTTE or Radio and Telecommunications Terminal Equipment. They issue the RTTE permit which needs to be acquired during the customs clearance process.

Certificate of Conformity or CE Mark

A certificate of conformity or CE Mark is mandatory for all the country’s IT and Telecom-related imports. CE Mark or certificate of conformity is a certificate that confirms that all the equipment being imported follows the local standards.

Risk-Based Trade Control System (TAREKS)

To ensure safety and quality checks the Turkish Ministry of Trade launched the Risk-Based Trade Control System (TAREKS) in 2010. The purpose of TAREKS is to improve the efficiency of foreign trade. This system can be accessed online, and it is a mandatory requirement for IOR providers to fulfill.

Import Duty and Tax in Turkey

Turkey falls under a low-tax category when it comes to imports. All imports are taxable and there is no FTA in place to exempt the taxes.

  • VAT is 18% which is calculated on the total invoice amount, and it applies to all types of imports. Some goods are subject to excepted VAT which ranges from 1% to 8%.
  • SCT or Special Consumption Tax is also in place, and it applies to 4 groups of commodities.
  • Banderol fees are another type of tax that is only applicable to products related to tobacco and alcohol, depending on the category it ranges from 2% to 8%.
  • Cultural Fund is only applicable on devices that have a Decree Number 2012/3012, it ranges from 0.4% to 0.2% and it is calculated on the CIF value of the goods.

One Union Solution: Importer Of Record Service in Turkey

We have vast experience working with some of the big names in the IT and Telecom sector. Representing them as an importer of record we have a dedicated team of import specialists who can help you import IT and Telecom equipment in Turkey. From the right cost estimation to a smooth import clearance process we strive to provide you best IOR service in Turkey.
For an expert opinion on how we can help you with your imports in Turkey CONTACT OUR IOR LOGISTICS SPECIALIST.

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